
Mice and rats can spread diseases and contaminate your food. They can also chew on wires and insulation, causing electrical fires and wreaking havoc on your home.


Skunks are mostly known for the foul-smelling spray they emit to protect themselves from danger. They also ruin landscapes, raid gardens, and dig holes under homes and building foundations, making them unstable. Plus, they carry various diseases that are transmitted to humans. Skunk control removes the animal and implements exclusions to prevent them from returning.


To solve a problem, you must figure out why you have the problem in the first place. If you have a woodchuck in your yard, also called a groundhog, it’s likely because they have found a food supply. Woodchucks are like most wildlife. They are searching for food, water, and shelter. 


In many cases, the worst that a snake will do is give you a fright. Not only is the thought of having a snake in your home an unpleasant one, but also a snake can be a sign of another pest problem. So, it’s still worth calling in professional help to safely remove snakes. 


Foxes can adapt to most types of habitats found within their range, and they frequently live in areas where human activity results in the high availability of food, water, and shelter. The most common species in the United States are the red fox and the gray fox. 


A squirrel in your home should not be ignored. While cute, these critters can create significant damage inside and outside your home. They will use available materials like insulation to create nests, bring in nuts and seeds, and harbor ectoparasites like fleas or diseases like leptospirosis. 


Naturally, raccoons den in existing shelters like hollow trees, ground burrows, and muskrat houses, but with habitat loss, spaces like attics, crawlspaces, and chimneys are becoming more prevalent. These clever creatures are excellent climbers and intelligent problem solvers, making raccoon removal a daunting task for a property owner. 


Birds are abundant and look for roosting and nesting spots that resemble the rocks and cliff ledges they prefer. Having birds in your yard means you have gutters, chimney ledges, or balconies they enjoy for scoping out the area for food. Birds may also use eaves, barns, sheds, or roof vents to build a nest. 


Bats like to roost in unoccupied parts of a home, such as attics, eaves, and chimneys. They can damage a home’s structure, and their guano can be a health risk for anyone living in the home. Guano can grow mold spores and produce a foul odor, which can travel through ducts and vents and into a home’s living spaces.


Sugar Ants

These pesky insects are always on the lookout for food and water. They can enter your home through the smallest cracks and crevices. While they are not dangerous, they can be a nuisance and contaminate your food.

Contact Us
(571) 421-1254


Monday – Sunday
7 AM – 7 PM


40737 Wild Plum Drive
Aldie, Virginia 20105

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